Our Olive wood and mother-of-pearl handicraft products are from the Holy Land Christians, we sell our carefully handcrafted and shipped directly overseas from the Holy Land, items which hold special value, as they are not only unique, but purchasing them helps support the presence of Christianity in the Holy Land.

Mother Of Pearl
The kingdom of heaven is compared to a "pearl of great price." In ( Matthew 7:6 ) pearls are used metaphorically for anything of value, or perhaps more especially for "wise sayings." (The finest specimens of the pearl are yielded by the pearl oyster (Avicula margaritifera ), still found in abundance in the Persian Gulf and near the coasts of Ceylon, Java and Sumatra.
The oysters grow in clusters on rocks in deep water, and the pearl is found inside the shell, and is the result of a diseased secretion caused by the introduction of foreign bodies, as sand, etc., between the mantle and the shell. They are obtained by divers trained to the business. March or April is the time for pearl fishing. A single shell sometimes yields eight to twelve pearls.

Mgr Lionel Gendron
Bishop of the Diocese of Saint Jean Longueuil
Our organisation, The Holy Land Christians, was created in 2014 by our founder, Sebastien Cardinal. His journey began one day in Montreal at a special Mass. A guest speaker, who was from the Holy Land, gave a speech that reached that Sebastien’s heart. The speaker was a Christian-Palestinian man, born in Beith Sahour, close to east Bethlehem, place of one of many Christian communities in the Holy Land.
After this Celebration, Sebastien thought about what he could do to help the Christian people caught in the middle of this conflict. How could he make a real difference in their lives? After an hour of discussion with the guest speaker, the idea of visiting different churches across the country came to Sebastien. He wanted to inform Canadian Christians of the situation happening in the Holy Land, so as to better help its inhabitants in the future.
Sebastien discovered that many Christians of the Holy Land earned a living by making beautiful hand carved items out of Olivewood. He saw an opportunity to make available these items to Canadian Christians. In doing so, helping people of the Holy land keep their jobs and homes. This also offered a unique opportunity for Canadians to have a piece of the Holy Land in their homes.
Your support for these craftsmen aids the presence of Christian families in the birthplace of Christianity.
As the years passed, since 2014, our organization is involved with many non-profit organizations (Cnewa & Commissariat of the Holy Land).
We are here to raise awareness and improve the quality of life for our Christians brothers and sisters in the Holy land in need.
Many bishops are giving us there blessing to fulfill our mission and we are blessed to have them directly involved with us.
Thank you so much for you support.
Let us all protect the birthplace of Christianity.
Thank you so much for you support.
God Bless